Yesterday was a very odd day for me. It was the first day that I took completely off from anything to do with my book in more than 7 months. I have to say, the house is much cleaner now. I honestly feel more stressed out now, though.
My book is now in the hands of Amazon and it has been slowly rolling out for sale. I have some advertising in place for it, mostly with Amazon ads, but I'm taking a few days off before I ramp up my efforts to market my work. I have spent so much time with my book, in its various stages, that I want to mentally detach from it as an author and reconnect with it in the role of marketer and salesman. I feel that to succeed at it I need to have a clear head and not take the forthcoming rejection personally. Failure is part of the learning experience, especially for writers. I want to learn from it, not get mentally beaten down by it.
So I am going to take a few days off from all of it and then, once I have a chance to go over my proof copy, go back and form a game plan of how to market it - including giveaways, searching out review groups, etc.
One thing I won't be doing during this initial push is writing. That is going to be the hardest part of all of this. I already have my next book fairly plotted out and I am eager to get to it. Part of me is worried that in the intervening time spent marketing that I will lose my fire for the next book and have a hard time getting into it. I am just going to have to accept that.
I want to give my marketing campaign a solid month to really ramp up before I go back to spending a decent amount of time writing, again. So the plan is to begin my next novel on December 1st. That should be interesting with the holidays rapidly approaching at that point.
In the meantime, feel free to browse both versions for sale on Amazon: for paperback for Kindle (yes, it is also on Kindle Unlimited.
I appreciate everyone sharing those links, too, even if you have no interest in reading an intense horror novel.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to updating you all on my successes and failures during the marketing phase of Morbid Fascinations of David Bennett.
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