Saturday, October 26, 2019

Atmosphere and Immersion

One of the questions that I get all the time is 'Where do you write?'

It's a good question, considering that I share a 2000 sq ft house with two children, a patient spouse, and 3 cats that don't know the meaning of 'personal space.'

First of all, I'm not the kind of writer who blocks off 6 or 8 hours a day to write. I'm lucky if I can find 45 to 60 minutes in a day to write. Usually I wait until my wife is putting our 3 year old to bed and I just grab my Chromebook and plop down on the couch to bang out 1200-1500 words per day. That's not a lot but I aim to write at least 5 days a week and NEVER take more than 2 consecutive days off, because I feel like it really causes me to detach from my story. I don't like that feeling of being behind in my own story and needing to get back inside the characters' heads.

Once in a while when I get to a particularly challenging or intense scene I will waddle up to my theater and enjoy the silence for a while. Sure, I write better when I'm in that kind of environment but usually it isn't a big enough difference to warrant setting up a home office, again. I had one of those once. It was grotesquely underused and my cats eventually claimed it as their own. The room was eventually converted into a movie theater. Much better use of the space.

On occasion I will also plug in earbuds and listen to recordings of thunderstorms while I write. For me, it is an excellent way of blocking out the noise of the world around me and setting my mood for writing some proper horror.

Does it work? You be the judge.

Available in paperback or Kindle (included with Kindle Unlimited for free!)

The paperback turned out beautifully done, with a soft matte finish cover.

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