Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing Around the Holidays

It's that time of year again. For me, it's a bit different. It's the first holiday season that I have been a writer. The whirlwind that has been 2019 has impacted me in so many ways that I can't even describe it. I want to thank everybody for a great year.

One thing I see mentioned constantly on social media is the amount of anxiety about writing during the holiday season.

So, let's take a collective deep breath and think about how we can approach this.

Everyone's situation is vastly different, but odds are that your free elements of the day are still going to be free. Sure, you might be mentally distracted by the challenges of organizing family gatherings and buying gifts but I'm willing to bet you still have a good 15 minutes when you are getting ready for bed where you could jot down even 100 or 200 words. I know, that's not much at all is it? It actually is, though. Those few words, added up over the next couple of weeks, can actually be a sizable chunk of your manuscript. Beyond that, though, it keeps your brain in the game. You won't disconnect from your story and will find it easier to reconnect to your WIP once all the craziness has settled and we're left with the bleak January landscape looking back at us through the window.

If that is too much for you, then try to just edit a few pages here and there. It keeps you familiar with your WIP and, again, keeps your brain in the game.

If THAT is still too much with your hectic schedule then just try to find some moments here and there to simply READ your WIP. It will help keep it fresh in your head.

Some people may have an easier time of just picking their work up after a few weeks or a month or more off. I'm not one of them. If I have to I will keep my chromebook in the bathroom just so I can escape in there and write for a few minutes.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.

If you have any thoughts on this PLEASE feel free to share them in the comments!

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