Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Aftermath: When Family Reads Your Work

In the lead up to the publishing of The Morbid Fascinations of David Bennett, (, I pretty much kept it a secret from nearly my entire family. I wasn't ashamed of my work at all, I just have a very awkward relationship with my family. They tend to be a touch judgmental...okay, REALLY judgmental and it drives me nuts. I had a multitude of concerns with them reading my work. It's pretty far out there for uptight Christian retirees. One thing I wasn't prepared for (and really should have been) is that they would read a deeper meaning into absolutely every aspect of my book.

So, my daughter spilled the beans to them that I wrote a book. Yay. They read it. Yay. They never did tell me whether they liked it or not. What they have done is make slights toward me whenever possible. "So, you killed us in the first chapter."

No. It's a work of fiction. The main character isn't me. You're not in the book.

Nope. It was too late. Two months after reading it they continue to bring up characters in the book and telling me that they absolutely know for a fact who certain people in the book are in real life. It's been bad enough that I actually sat back and reflected as to whether I did subconsciously put people I knew into the book...but, since I don't know any evil telekinetic children who want to watch the world burn or little old ladies bent on world destruction I think it's safe to say that the book is a work of fiction.

Still, it is awkward and lingers on.

I am seriously considering asking them not to read my next novel, because I don't want to be dealing with this every 10-12 months during a new book release cycle. Those are stressful enough to deal with and I really don't need upset parents continuing to guilt me over every little insecurity in their own lives.

Anyone else find themselves dealing with this when they release a book? I would love to hear some thoughts on the subject.

Feel free to vent away.

The Morbid Fascinations of David Bennett
FREE with Kindle Unlimited, $2.99 on eBook, and only $12.99 in Paperback on Amazon

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