Well, I've been away for a minute.
This continuing limbo of existence that began eleven months ago continues to hit me in unexpected ways. One of those ways has been a really deep bout of psychological fatigue. I attempted to work through it but ended up taking more days off between writing sessions and, eventually, a two week hiatus in the middle of drafting. I have never done that before. It's been an eye opening experience. I have discovered that on this particular book taking more time off between sessions has been more productive. I am now writing just two or three times per week but the quality of what I am writing is higher than what I was churning out when I was trying to force myself to write every day.
I'm about halfway through the first draft of The Dreaming Sea. The story is coming along well. I think that once it is layered in subsequent drafts it will be a very compelling science fiction work. It is going to take me a while to get there. I had an initial goal of releasing it by summer but it is looking more and more like a later in the year release. That's fine. It's not like I want to release another book into the void during the pandemic, anyway.
I think things are slowly on the upswing, but it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is depressingly distant and falling further away from us day by day. I know we will get there but the journey has not been something I would wish upon my worst enemy.
Blogging isn't something that I feel super compelled to do, but I do like to give updates to my readers, and fellow writers who need someone to commiserate with. So, I hope that these infrequent ramblings help someone out there to realize that they aren't alone in struggling through this dark moment in human history.
Stay safe, and keep on writing and reading.
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